About Us
SIAP's Story
The Southern Initiative Algebra Project, Inc. (SIAP) began in 1994 as a program of Algebra Project, Inc. From 1994 to 2002, SIAP developed 42 Algebra Project sites in eight states involving over 4,000 teachers and 50,000 students in whole school mathematics education reform with the goal of having every student succeed in algebra by the end of the 8th grade. After becoming a separate 501(c)(3) organization in 2002, SIAP continued its focus on whole-school reform and on community and school connections. Work centered on professional development for K-12 mathematics teachers, youth leadership development, site and community development, and implementation of a K-16 model in collaboration with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
In 2006, with the support of the Cameron Foundation, SIAP began implementing a PK-16 model in Petersburg, VA. Then in 2007, SIAP and multiple partners began developing a plan to address education issues along the I-95 corridor from Central Virginia to Georgia. SIAP currently has sites in Louisiana, Mississippi, Virginia, and Washington, DC.
We Believe:
• Every child has a right to quality education.
• Quality education is a purposeful, collective responsibility of local, state, and federal governments in authentic collaboration with parents, students, and communities.

Not Just Mathematics
SIAP remains committed to ensuring that underserved children can enter college and STEM-focused majors with the requisite mathematics competencies and without the need for remediation. That requires increasing and diversifying parent and community engagement that translates into higher expectations and increased student achievement and success. It also requires that SIAP partner with multiple higher education institutions, community-based organizations, local governmental units and others to 1) increase student access to highly effective teachers; 2) train and support new and emerging leaders; and 3) build or enhance community-based structures to expand and reinforce student learning and address those out-of-school issues that impact learning.
Value Statement
The Southern Initiative Algebra Project, Inc. (SIAP) and its partners (HBCUs, youth, educators and communities) value SIAP’s commitment and work to support the achievement of students who historically have been most underserved in our education system as evidenced by their performance in the lowest quartile of students taking standardized tests. Our PK-16 model is an improvement strategy based on an understanding of the educational enterprise as a system, parts of which are oft-times neither closely nor meaningfully allied to support those students. It uses an approach pioneered by Ella Baker to improve both leadership and the system itself by affecting the way leadership emerges, develops, is applied and managed within the system as well as how the system relates to external stakeholders. Following the philosophy of Ella Baker, the PK-16 model not only engages and mobilizes people, but consciously develops people’s capacities to be alliance-builders, organizers, and leaders in the long struggle for the improvement of our systems of education.
SIAP further values the collective voices of educators, parents and community members, institutions of higher learning (particularly HBCUs), and youth. We seek to elevate those voices through our Design Team process that emphasizes process over event, capacity building over quick fixes. In this process, parents, students, educators, businesses, community- and faith-based organizations, government agencies, and higher education faculty work collaboratively over time to build and sustain support for the success of historically underserved youth such that they graduate from high school college or career ready.
The Mission of the Southern Initiative Algebra Project, Inc. (SIAP) is to help schools and communities increase capacity to ensure a quality education for every child.
Our Vision
Every community has a high-quality education system that ensures the success of each child.
Team Profiles
SIAP is extremely honored and proud to have named its Youth Leadership Development Program for Dr. Oliver W. Hill, Jr.